Best collection of 1300 Maths Formulas!
Maths solutions for any question.
In this app you will find the following maths formulas:
Number Sets
- Set Identities
- Sets of Numbers
- Basic Identities
- Complex Numbers
- Factoring Formulas
- Product Formulas
- Powers
- Roots
- Logarithms
- Equations
- Inequalities
- Compound Interest Formulas
- Right Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle
- Equilateral Triangle
- Scalene Triangle
- Square
- Rectangle
- Parallelogram
- Rhombus
- Trapezoid
- Isosceles Trapezoid
- Isosceles Trapezoid with Inscribed Circle
- Trapezoid with Inscribed Circle
- Kite
- Cyclic Quadrilateral
- Tangential Quadrilateral
- General Quadrilateral
- Regular Hexagon
- Regular Polygon
- Circle
- Sector of Circle
- Segment of Circle
- Cube
- Rectangular Parallelepiped
- Prism
- Regular Tetrahedron
- Regular Pyramid
- Frustum of a Regulat Pyramid
- Rectangular Right Wedge
- Platonic Solids
- Right Circular Cylinder
- Right Circular Cylinder with an Oblique Plane Face
- Right Circular Cone
- Frustum of a Right Circular Cone
- Sphere
- Spherical Cap
- Spherical Sector
- Spherical Segment
- Spherical Wedge
- Ellipsoid
- Circular Torus
- Radian and Degree Measures of Angles
- Definitions and Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
- Signs of Trigonometric Functions
- Trigonometric Functions of Common Angles
- Most Important Formulas
- Reduction Formulas
- Periodicity of Trigonometric Functions
- Relations between Trigonometric Functions
- Addition and Substraction Formulas
- Double Angle Formulas
- Multiple Angle Formulas
- Half Angle Formulas
- Half Angle Tangent Identities
- Transforming of Trigonometric Expressions to Product
- Transforming of Trigonometric Expressions to Sum
- Powers of Trigonometric Functions
- Principal Values of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Relations between Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Trigonometric Equations
- Relations to Hyperbolic Functions
Matrices and Determinants
- Determinants
- Properties of Determinants
- Matrices
- Operations with Matrices
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Vector Coordinates
- Vector Addition
- Vector Substraction
- Scalling Vectors
- Scalar Product
- Vector Product
- Triple Product
Analytic Geometry
- One-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Two-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Straight Line in Plane
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Parabola
- Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systen
- Plane
- Straight Line in Space
- Quadric Surface
- Sphere
Differential Calculus
- Functions and Their Graphs
- Limits of Functions
- Definition and Properties of the Derivative
- Table of Derivatives
- Higher Order Derivatives
- Application of Derivative
- Multivariable Functions
- Differential Operators
Integral Calculus
- Indefinite Integral
- Integrals of Rational Functions
- Integrals of Irrational Functions
- Integrals of Trigonometric Functions
- Integrals of Hyperbolic Functions
- Integrals of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Reduction Formulas
- Definite Integral
- Improper Integral
- Double Integral
- Triple Integral
- Line Integral
- Surface Integral
Differential Equations
- First Order Differential Equations
- Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations
- Some Partial Differential Equations
- Arithmetic Series
- Geometric Series
- Some Finite Series
- Infinite Series
- Properties of Convergent Series
- Convergence Tests
- Alternating Series
- Power Series
- Differentiation and Integration of Power Series
- Taylor and Maclaurin Series
- Binomial Series
- Fourier Series
- Permutations and Combinations
- Probability Formulas
Download now and disover our mega collection of maths formulas.
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Koleksi 1300 Matematik Terbaik!
Penyelesaian matematik untuk sebarang soalan.
Dalam aplikasi ini, anda akan menemui formula matematik berikut:
Nombor set
- Tetapkan Identiti
- Set Nombor
- Identiti Asas
- Nombor Kompleks
- Formula pemfaktoran
- Rumusan Produk
- Kuasa
- Akar
- Logarithms
- Persamaan
- Ketidaksamaan
- Rumusan Faedah Kompaun
- Segitiga tepat
- Segitiga Isosceles
- Segitiga Persamaan
- Segitiga Scalene
- Dataran
- Rectangle
- Parallelogram
- Rhombus
- Trapezoid
- Trapezoid Isosceles
- Trapezoid Isosceles dengan Circle Tertulis
- Trapezoid dengan Circle Tertulis
- Kite
- Quadrilateral kitaran
- Quadrilateral Tangential
- Quadrilateral am
- Heksagon tetap
- Poligon tetap
- Lingkaran
- Sektor Bulatan
- Segmen Bulatan
- Cube
- Rectangular Parallelepiped
- Prisma
- Tetrahedron biasa
- Piramid biasa
- Frustum daripada Pyramid Regulat
- Rectangular Right Wedge
- Pepejal Platonik
- Silinder Circular Kanan
- Silinder Pekeliling Kanan dengan Wajah Plastik Oblique
- Kon Lingkaran Kanan
- Frustum Kon Lingkaran Kanan
- Sfera
- Cap Spherical
- Sektor Spherical
- Segmen Sfera
- Baji sfera
- Ellipsoid
- Pekeliling Torus
- Radian dan peringkat langkah sudut
- Definisi dan Grafik Fungsi Trigonometri
- Tanda-tanda Fungsi Trigonometri
- Fungsi Trigonometri Sudut Biasa
- Rumusan yang paling penting
- Rumusan Pengurangan
- Tempoh berkala Trigonometri
- Hubungan antara Fungsi Trigonometri
- Formula Tambahan dan Substraksi
- Formula Angle Double
- Formula Sudut Pelbagai
- Formula Sudut Separuh
- Identiti Tangent Half Angle
- Mengubah Ekspresi Trigonometri kepada Produk
- Transformasi Ekspresi Trigonometri kepada Jumlah
- Kuasa Fungsi Trigonometri
- Nilai Utama Fungsi Trigonometri songsang
- Hubungan antara Fungsi Trigonometri Invers
- Persamaan Trigonometri
- Hubungan dengan Fungsi Hyperbolic
Matrices and Determinants
- Determinants
- Hartanah Penentu
- Matriks
- Operasi dengan Matriks
- Sistem Persamaan Linear
- Koordinat vektor
- Tambahan Vektor
- Substraksi Vektor
- Vektor yang berkedut
- Produk Skalar
- Produk Vektor
- Produk Triple
Geometri Analitik
- Sistem Koordinat Satu Dimensi
- Sistem Koordinat Dua Dimensi
- Talian Lurus di Plane
- Lingkaran
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Parabola
- Tiga Dimensi Menyelaras Systen
- Plane
- Talian Lurus di Angkasa
- Surface Quadric
- Sfera
Kalkulus Berbeza
- Fungsi dan Grafik mereka
- Had Fungsi
- Definisi dan Sifat-sifat Derivatif
- Jadual Derivatif
- Derivatif Pesanan Tinggi
- Permohonan Derivatif
- Fungsi Multivariable
- Pengendali Berbeza
Kalkulus Integral
- Tidak terkawal Integral
- Integrals of Rational Functions
- Integral Fungsi Irrational
- Integral Fungsi Trigonometri
- Integral Fungsi Hyperbolic
- Integral Fungsi Eksponen dan Logaritma
- Rumusan Pengurangan
- Pasti penting
- Tidak penting
- Double Integral
- Triple Integral
- Line Integral
- Surface Integral
Persamaan Pembezaan
- Persamaan Pembeza Perintah Pertama
- Persamaan Pembezaan Biasa Perintah Kedua
- Sesetengah Persamaan Berbeza Separa
- Siri Aritmetik
- Siri Geometri
- Beberapa Siri Terbatas
- Siri Infinite
- Sifat-sifat Siri Convergent
- Ujian Konvergensi
- Siri berganti
- Siri Kuasa
- Pembezaan dan Integrasi Siri Kuasa
- Siri Taylor dan Maclaurin
- Siri Binomial
- Fourier Series
- Permutations and Combinations
- Rumus kebarangkalian
Muat turun sekarang dan hapuskan koleksi mega matematik kami.
Cari penyelesaian matematik untuk sebarang soalan.